Why I'm always the one fixing everything?

Would it be awesome to star in our own blockbuster? Win an award for an outstanding performance! and get the golden statue that is rightfully ours?! .. Oh yes! But, in case you’re wondering, “Why I’m always end up fixing everything” or “end up being the bad guy, again?”—well, this is for you…

Hero and villain of your own story?

Let’s be real: we’ve all played both roles. You’ve been the hero, swooping in from the rooftop to save the day, by finding the ‘misplaced’ phone charger or rushing through traffic when you were ready half an hour earlier. Or maybe you’ve been the villain, kicking things off with the dreaded “we need to talk” igniting a minor epic crisis. Oops. Villain status unlocked. Hey, it happens. But here’s the thing: constantly being the fixer-upper or the troublemaker gets exhausting, and honestly, it’s not the best path to happiness. Drama is draining, life calendar is already busy, and there’s no time for extra shenanigans (mine or others’). We need more happy moments and joy, and less unnecessary ‘hissy fits.’ You know what -or who- we are talking here!

How to get your happy on...

First, you’ve gotta ditch ‘the roles.’ Leave that Meryl Streep stuff behind. Instead of playing the hero 24/7, ask yourself: Do I actually want to be the hero here? You know what? Sometimes it’s okay to let people figure things out on their own—like Choose Your Own Adventure but for adults who don’t have time for BS.

And as for being the villain? Well, villains are misunderstood, right? Instead of loosing sleep for being “the bad guy,” you realize that setting boundaries doesn’t make you a villain—it makes you smart. Sometimes, saying “no” is the most heroic thing you can do for your own happiness (or for the other party).

At the end of the day, one of the keys to happiness is being true to yourself. Forget the scripts people hand you, or the ones you’re tempted to grab like a cute costume that doesn’t quite fit you

What if, instead of saving the day or causing chaos, you focused on what makes you happy? WOW moment. Maybe it’s saying no to things that drain your energy, or finally chasing that hobby you’ve been putting off. Being true to yourself isn’t about choosing a role—it’s about writing your own story.

So, next time you find yourself asking, “Am I the villain or the hero here?” maybe the answer is neither. Maybe you’re just someone choosing happiness, and that’s the best role of all. ❤️



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