Balancing your day is like riding an elephant throug a fine glass store: wild, intense and pretty funny. Not for the faint of heart...

Do you ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in a day? Balancing your day, working smart, and preserving your sanity can be quite the challenge. And if you’re considering starting your own business, do you wonder if there’s time left to pursue that long-held dream of becoming a writer or artist? How do you juggle your everyday responsibilities with your aspirations?  There’s no universal formula; what works for others may be the 360 opposite for you.


Every day demands are high, and more and more people are finding it hard to adequately fulfill their roles, and even more, when you are trying to work on your dreams, or have some personal time. The day is over, and you didn’t even have time to think, always ready for challenges. The day flies and you haven’t even had time to rest.

When I think of balance, I think about walking straight ahead, one foot in front of the other. Sometimes, the image that comes to mind is of riding a bike.

But life balance doesn’t look or feel anything like that. Instead of feeling like things are even on both sides, it can feel like you’re always in danger of falling. And when you feel that off-balance, you’re not always so confident about moving forward.

The key isn’t really “balance,” it’s integration. Successful integration of all aspects of life is a long game that plays out over a week, a month and a career. If you have older parents who need support, an ailing spouse, young children, or other demands at home, they will (rightfully) need more of your attention. Sometimes work projects and deadlines demand more of your focus. Integrating the day’s work needs and life needs is about learning to reprioritize (with compassion and flexibility) — sometimes on a daily or hourly basis.

More often than not, people cannot find a point of balance between everyday responsibilities, home, family, and dreams, and when when have more priority than the other,  you can get frustrated, or upset. Thinking of “balance” as a benchmark for success sets us up to feel like failures most of the time.

I’m both a pop artist and a software developer, finding joy in the creative chaos of both worlds.

The journey varies for each of us, yet there’s a common thread—whether you’re starting anew, a seasoned pro, or feeling a bit lost, you’re on the ride of your life. At the end of the day it’s about the connections we forge, the times we laugh, and the joy and tears we share along the way. 


When I left, I was barely able to speak English and had no college degree. Since then, I have become a mother, wife, entrepreneur, writer, illustrator, and artist. My paintings were featured at multiple sold-out shows including Art Basel Miami and several exhibits and shows across the USA.


But it wasn't always like this. Indeed, these characters saved my life...

I was the senior art director at VH1, MTV, and Nickelodeon for all SOCO, with multiple international design and motion graphics awards. Then I got sick, and could barely move, and couldn’t even get out of bed, so I started doing something I always loved to do, sketching, little drawings. At first, I could draw for just a minute, but then I started feeling better because drawing the characters made me feel good. And then minute by minute, I find myself drawing more and more, and feeling better and better. Painting these quirky, fun, and courageous characters brought out so much happiness, that I completely healed. Painting these characters helped to find happiness, even in the worst situations.


And that is what I explore through my art, the chance to find the extraordinary, the humor, and the inspiration to live an out-of-the-ordinary life. Each of my paintings has a voice and a story. The colors, wonder, and humor in my work create a unique atmosphere of happiness and expression.  Each show is a celebration of connection, that’s why we say people “adopted” one of our misfits when they get one of my paintings. 

Thank you for reading a bit of my story (there’s still so much to tell you) For now, I hope my art inspires joy, curiosity, and a sense of discovery to live the best version of your life!

My art is about embracing creativity and embracing oneself, discovering your inner child, and reclaiming that sense of wonder.

Each of my paintings has a voice and a story. The colors, wonder, and humor in Aleloop’s work create a unique atmosphere of happiness and unique expression.

Doesnt matter how old you are, or where you are in life, my art is meant to inspire you to live your best life and discover the possibilities within your life. The self-awareness of our identity holds immense power.

Every day was amazing, hundreds of beautiful people from all over the globe, each one with unique stories yet to be told. As the expo drew to a close, the joyful feeling and the sense of wonder remained, stronger than ever. The journey was far from over; there were still countless stories to be told and adventures to be had. Together, Aleloop and her misfits looked ahead with excitement, eager to share more of their world with those who had become part of their joyful journey.

As the saying goes, “These little town blues are melting away,” every time they gathered. For in the world of Aleloop, there was only room for joy, magic, and endless possibilities. Thank you for being a part of the adventure. Stay tuned for wonder.



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